Here is Pulmonaria 'Samourai', a durable, silver-leafed hybrid from Tony Avent's Plant Delights nursery. I planted the large one two years ago, then added two more last spring. Sweet woodruff (Galium odoratum) spread from a colony across the path and is now making a pretty background for the Pulmonaria. (Pretty, but this is certainly an invasion.)

Here we may have plant war in slow motion. The Pulmonaria appears to be extremely sturdy and durable. I know the Galium is a rampant spreader (which I accept, even want, because it's such a good groundcover). Who will win? Or will the plants co-exist, at least for a few years?

The last photo shows another invader, Eupatorum rugosum, another attractive, four-foot native that self-seeds like crazy, in the lower center. This must be plucked out.