Garden Diary: Green Foam Differentiating

The big picture, the foam of green. In a couple of weeks the carpet of perennials will be higher and show much more definition and interest.Space, height, gesture ... reaching up and pulling the sky into the garden ...
One area where the intermingled planting is beginning to show emerging structure and form ...Old times, a legacy tree peony that that came with the house ... a visual signal that this 'nature' isn't exclusive.
The woodland, with the new path to the compost maintenance area ...
Around the house ... a hosta, Sum and Substance (I think) with wandering Brunnera microphylla ...
Little fountain outside the garden entrance to the house ...
Expanding colony of Helleborus foetidus ...
New frog land (new reflecting pool down in the garden), now full of tadpoles and small frogs, other things I can't identify (yet) ...
That new crevice, the 'river' between the rocks needs to be planted with something. My current thought is Carex muskingumensis.
Many large grasses and perennials will form a background to the newly planted area and are already in place. Some are well established and will be fully grown in a few weeks. Others, newly planted, will take a while: two Baccharis halimifolia, various panicums and miscanthus, Joe Pye Weed, Liatris pycnostachya, more to come. I'll add Rosemary willow (Salix eleagnos) as soon as my cuttings are rooted well enough to survive the competition.