Garden Diary: Brooklyn Grows

Overflowing, abundant, voluptuous--the garden grows. My neighbor's rose made me add voluptuous. I have no roses in my garden, but in such close quarters, it appears I've borrowed one. Yes, voluptuously it droops, limply, wet with rain.The rest of the garden is full to bursting and we're not even to June.I've done some paring back--cut back the overly tall Mountain mint (Pycnanthemum muticum) filling the bed on the right, exposing the monstrous Tetrapanax 'Steroidal Giant' and the emerging Panicum 'Cloud Nine', pruned the lower limbs of the Sunburst Honeylocust, forcing them to grow higher as quickly as possible. Next the box, badly in need of a vigorous pruning.
I still need to put a coat of dark stain on the landscape timbers, the same slate color as the walls.The size of the photo distorts the relative proportions of the plants and the garden enclosure, making the scene appear more crowded than it actually is. You'll have to take my word for that.