More than I expected

The women above are almost dwarfed by the plants; I show this image first to give you a sense of scale.

Over 200 visitors came, far more than I expected for my first Garden Conservancy Open Days tour. Neighboring garden owners tell me that's the typical number in this area, so I'm pleased.   Everyone entered through the house, which is how the garden is intended to be seen. I think that gave the visit a personal touch, and the house isn't any worse for the wear.Visitors seemed pleased, many found the garden quite different from most other gardens in the program, no one criticized or asked difficult questions--at least of me. If anything, my tour volunteers heard much more feedback than I did, and they tell me it was all positive.That makes me wonder what critical things some were thinking. Next time, I'll elicit feedback, specifically what they would do differently, or what they didn't like.It was early for my garden. Everything bursts into bloom about a week after the tour date, but there was enough happening to keep most visitors interested and asking questions.So forthwith, some visuals ...FT June 30 after GC OD 017Quite a few were interested in the pond, which was a happening place with lots of frog and insect activity (yes, there is a pond there).GC tour PS pics 062913 063Laurrie, a fellow garden blogger, and I discussing, I think, why there are so many small holes in the leaves of the Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecracker'.GC tour PS pics 062913 055 GC tour PS pics 062913 057Our next door neighbor from Brooklyn, Albert, with me in the baseball cap, his sister and a friend.GC tour PS pics 062913 070Laurrie and her husband Jim accompanied by a large Ligularia japonica.FT June 30 after GC OD 020 FT June 30 after GC OD 064 FT June 30 after GC OD 059More of the unexpected, Tom and George.FT June 30 after GC OD 026 FT June 30 after GC OD 008 FT June 30 after GC OD 003Then quiet ...FT June 30 after GC OD 226