Brooklyn by mobile phone

Looking into the garden pool ... see the fish?
I've been busy at the Federal Twist garden and almost totally neglected the Brooklyn garden this summer. A few minutes of cleanup now and then. That's about it. So how's it doing?This morning the light was too bad to get a photo of the whole garden, but here's part of the shade planting on the north-facing wall--Darmera peltata, Astilboides tabularis, Tricyrtis formosana, little hostas, Pulmonaria (unknown plants that came in on something else), Aruncus aethusifolius, Smilacena recemosa, Mukdenia rossii. I don't know what that herb with the white, umbelliferous flowers is. I thought parsley, but it doesn't taste like parsley. Several just arose from the earth on their own, so I'd better remove them all before they set seed.
Here the south-facing wall with the giant Tetrapanax 'Steroidal Giant', Panicum 'Cloud Nine', bronze fennel, sedums, Ceratostigma plumbaginoides, a little Pennisetum 'Hameln'.
Similar plants on the other side of the Tetrapanax, with the addition of Cotinus 'Velvet Cloak' and Persicaria 'Red Dragon'.
Another view of the Tetrapanax. It's over a foot taller than I am. Out of scale, some will say, but I like out of scale in a small garden ... well, in almost any garden. I'll try it out for a while to see what happens. It's a risk, but any plant can be removed.Looking up through the leaves of one of the four Sunburst Honey Locusts ...