Brooklyn status, for Diana (on mobile phone)

Diana Studer of Elephant's Eye recently asked about the Brooklyn garden. Here it is, Diana.With the Garden Conservancy Open Days coming up June 28, I've been focusing all my attention on the country garden. Brooklyn has had to get by with a few minutes each week. Here it is after a day of rain. The Sunburst honey locusts have gotten top heavy again and need trimming back. They also need stronger supports until their trunks gain strength.
Fortunately the garden is small and so jam packed with plants it can get by on its own for a while. I may have to pull plants out next year, but not now for sure. I did add some Hakonechloa macra to the back bed, though it's not visible here. The bronze fennel is a surprise; last year's small plants have inflated into small cloud trees. Maybe not what I want every year, but I take pleasure in them now.
Here's the narrow, shady border. I haven't shown the Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Steroidal Giant' on the sunny side; it was killed to the ground in last winter's cold; now it's coming up in several places and promises to become a monster. I'm hoping to put off dealing with it until next spring, when I have to dig most of it up and contain it within some kind of metal barrier.