June 1 - Rush to summer
Once warmth arrives, the garden luxuriates in planty fleshiness, growth proliferates, detonates in slow motion.
Thick planting, no ground visible. Iris virginica, Onoclea sensibilis, Calamagrostis acutiflora x 'Karl Foerester', Hemerocallis, Silphium perfoliatum, Filipendula rubra 'Venusta', Equisetum arvensis, some bits of low grass or carex.
The relationships and relative sizes of the plants will change dramatically over the next four weeks as the Silphiums and other large plants approach their mature size. The Euphorbia palustris (left) has done its spring gold thing and now will fade into the background until its autumn colors come. The Ligularia japonica (right) is budding and will soon reach its seasonal peak. The ornate foliage will remain a pleasure--and it's a seedhead star.
View of the low, mid-century house from the stone circle. Several colonies of Filipendula rubra, and many other plants, are rising in the foreground. This is a thriving community no weeds can penetrate--except for Multiflora rose and various wild Solidagos.
The stone circle under a canopy of Salix udensis 'Sekka', Japanese fantail willow.
Wave Hill chairs (made by Dan Benarcik) in a mid-garden sitting place.
Strolling the main path across the garden ...
Behind Iris pseudacorus, Petasites and Silphium perfoliatum mounded in battle.
Near a curve in the main garden path, the circle of red logs emerges from the dark edge of the woods ... Who needs flowers?
Late sunlight on Baptisia; I wish I could remember which one ...
Another path--into the woodland garden ...
Reflecting pool ...
... and beside it Baptisia alba. In one more year it should attain enough bulk to give a good show.